Saturday, June 11, 2016


Do not look with your eyes,
But see with your heart.
When we complain,
we often project onto others the dissatisfaction of how we're dealing with our own lives.
About how hard the test is,
About how bad your day is,
About people,
I repeat, about people.
We have friends, we do. Every single person has at least, a friend.
We went through a lot together.
And the closer we are toward each other, the more mistakes we make.
And sometimes, we find them so freaking annoying, you can't even look at their faces. Sometimes they make you feel mad, you can't sleep.
And the worst is, when you started to complain, and talking bad about them.
Being angry,
Don't let your hormones control your body.
Even Rasulullah (PBUH) said:
"If you angry, remain silent"

Even if you angry, remain silent,
and stop looking at her.
Instead, see her by your beautiful heart,
by remembering the good things she had done for you.
Learn to accept her flaws like she accepted yours,
and it will leave you with no expectations between each other,
like Rasulullah and sahabah.
And that is 'ukhuwah',
it presence with iman.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Don’t judge a book by its cover. Sounds very cliché. But as a human, we still judge by the looks, by how other people dress up, by the first face expression they give us.

Today I drove a car to pick up my little brother from his school at 5.00 pm. Of course, there were many cars on the road. I parked my car in order to wait for my brother to come out. The place was packed with kids and cars so my parking was a little off the line. I wanna betulkan my parking but there was a boy standing at the back of my car so I can’t do much other than to wait for the boy to move. And because the road is wide, I don’t really think it will affect the other cars. Suddenly there was this one green car nak lalu depan my car. I saw the one who drove the car was a not a very old, but quite old man with kopiah on his head. My thought was “pakcik ni nampak baik, baru balik surau agaknya”. But the moment he crossed my car, I looked at him and he gave a malevolent look and pointed his hand towards me as if I made a very big mistake. Some may think that this is a common situation but personally I felt very frustrated with the ‘politeness’ showed by that pakcik. I mean, yes he had the right to be mad at me, but you don’t have to do those thing, I also had my situation. So he kinda ruin my first good perception towards pakcik berkopiah.

Few minutes later, I drove the car back home. On my way back, I saw this one motorcycle keeps following me. Honestly, the face of the rider I can say macam muka pecah rumah jugakla. Haha. My thought was, “apelah budak ni buat takde kerja lain ke”. So I drove faster but he kept following me. Until up to one point, he lintas my car and said to me nicely, “pintu kereta tak rapat” while showing his hand to the door of the car. And then he made a U-turn. At that moment I was so speechless. He ‘followed’ me for a reason while I had a bad perception or judgement just because his face was like ‘muka pecah rumah’. He actually had a good intention to tell me about the door. Otherwise, something bad might happen to me.

I guess I do not need to conclude. As a normal human being, I know it’s hard not to judge people by the first impression. But I will try my very best.



Tuesday, June 16, 2015


When you can't see things clearly,
spectacles aid you.
sometimes, it is better to take off your spec.
Of course,
your eye becomes blurry,
but you see things smoothly,
everything seems to be in order,
just a bit of blurry.
But the truth is,
when you take on your spec,
it is not as smooth as you thought,
it is not in order.
Because the truth
it hurts.
So for this moment,
I rather take off my spec.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Human Robot :/

I am trying to be philosophical in this post. Hmmm. Let see if I'm able to be one :/ 
Being a medical student, i kinda see robots everywhere. I mean a human robot. They learn and learn and learn and learn. Get a L.I.F.EEEE *high pitch. I mean yes, we need to struggle, strive for the best. But it doesn't mean you have study all the time and ignore things around you. Well come on, you're living with living, not dead organisms. Well I personally believe that you doesn't need to score 4 flats to be a good doctor. Yeah it's a bonus if you achieve one. But we need to remember that our intelligence differs in people. If you don't get perfect score, that doesn't mean it's the end or the world. You can still be a doctor, it's not that you failed or something. *But it doesn't mean that you don't have to struggle! Just don't be robot :/

Because at the end of the day, what matter the most will be your skills with people. Doctors aren't only treat diseases. They also treat the 'heart' and soul. At the end of the day, sincerity wins. No matter how good you are in theory, it doesn't mean you'll be a good doctor. Build empathy in you, and you'll understand the community.

Be like heart. Who pumps blood all over the body, to benefit others. No matter how small the heart is, it does not matter, as long as it's still working. The contribution that can never be paid. Help others, not just ourselves. Remember, "When you find yourself in a position to help someone, be happy because Allah is answering that person's prayer through you" 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Let's move on!

So todayyyy, i decided to be bright, shiny and sparkling. Unlike few months back, i was dull. Real dull. Frankly speaking, i cannot pursue medical course in Ireland, cause I missed it by ONE point. And that one freaking point broke me down for months. So here I am now, in India. I don't wanna talk about those sad moment i had for months, it wasss very heart breaking. i could even cried seeing the pictures my friends post in Europe. The thing issss most of my friends are flying, like everywhere in this world. To the beautiful, cold, snowy places. And I'm stuck in India -..- 

I went here reluctantly. And couldn't believe that i am actually here. Time passes, and at one point, I realize that "failing is not always failure". People make mistakes. That is human nature. And by mistakes we learn. Cause everybody is dare to fail, but the difference between the man who succeed and who does not, is whether he gets up and fight back or not. 

So, i made my mind. To get up. And fight back. No matter where we learn, the most important thing is getting the knowledge, not the place. And i believe that "sometimes on the way to a dream, you get lost and fine a better one". I really wanna make a come back. So here I am. I'm bright. I'm shiny. I'm good. I'm motivated. May Allah ease our way, future doctors :)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

IB Result

It has been two years since i didn't write.
All praises to Allah, my friends and I managed to finish IB.
To cut short, KMB thought me what life is. 

In less than 19 hours, we will be getting a point. 
A point in a form of numbers. 
The numbers that will determine whether the efforts of two years will be paid or not.
The numbers that will determine if we will be leaving or staying in Malaysia.
The numbers that will make us feel excited or down.

That's the reason I'm blogging. 
I had been thinking a lot these few days.
A lottt of questions came up from my mind.
"What if I can't fly?"
"What if the makcik makcik ask? nak raya dah niii, matilah akuu"
"What if my parents disappointed with me?"
"How am I gonna survive seeing my friends fly?
"What if.. How... But..."
Argghhhh its killing meee, I'm so dead.

I always questioned myself about the negative things, yet i forget.
I forget to be GRATEFUL to what Allah have given all these days.
Parents, family, health, friends, food, knowledge... MasyaAllah, COUNTLESS!
But that is what we are.
We are al-insan.
And it means - forget.
We are weak. We forget all the times.

In the dua', we always said,
'Bismillahi tawakkal tu'alallah'
Am I really tawakkal to Allah? (it means give all decisions for Allah to make)
Serahkan segala urusan dekat Allah, and you should not be scared.
Have faith to Allah Aizaa!
Because FAITH, 
is not believing that Allah can,
it's knowing that He will.

Anyhow, whatever the result is,
Allah know what is the best for you.

I'm praying to all my friends as well.
Ya Allah, grant us with what is best for us.
Andai kejayaan itu yang terbaik buat kami,
Jauhkanlah kami daripada sifat meninggi diri,
Malah jadikanlah kami hambahambaMu  yang bersyukur,
Sesungguhnya semua itu datang dariMu.
Andai kejayaan bukan yang terbaik untuk kami, 
Kau jauhkanlah kami dari sifat berputus asa.
Kami serahkan urusan kami kepadaMU,
Kau kurniakanlah yang terbaik buat kami,
Dan redhakanlah hatihati kami menerima apa shj pemberianmu,
Bismillahi tawakkal tu'alallah.

If it's meant to be yours, from you it cannot flee.

Monday, May 14, 2012

PASS the message :)

To the
muslims out there,
I hope you can pass these message:)

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Segala puji bagiMu, Tuhan sekalian alam.
Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.
Tuhan yang menguasai hari pembalasan.
Hanya Engkau yang layak disembah dah kpd Engkaulah kami meminta p'tolongan.
Tunjukkanlah kami
jalan yang lurus.
Jalan orang yang Engkau kurniakan nikmat,
bukan jalan orang yang Engkau murkai,
dan jalan orand yang sesat.

Rukuk & Sujud

Rukuk : Maha suci Tuhanku, yang Maha Agung dgn
sifat-sifat kepujianNya.
Sujud : Maha suci Tuhanku yang Maha Mulia dgn
sifat-sifat kepujianNya

I'tidalAllah mendengar akan orang yang memujinya.

Tahiyat Akh
irSegala ucapan selamat yang berkat2 dan doa yang baik semuanya utk Allah.
Selamat sejahtera atasMu wahai Nabi dan rahmat Allah dan keberkatanNya.
Selamat sejahtera ke atas k
ita dan hambahamba Allah yang soleh.
Aku naik saksi bahawa tiada Tuhan yang disembah melainkan Allah,
dan aku naik saksi bahawa Muhammad itu persuruh Allah.
Ya Allah,
anugerahkanlah kesejahteraan atas Muhammad dan keluarga baginda,
seperti yang Engkau telah anugerahkan kpd Ibrahim dan keluarga Ibrahim.
Berkatilah Muhammad dan keluarga Muhammad,
sepertimana kau berkati Ibrahim dan keluarga Ibrahim.
Sesungguhnya, Engkau Maha Terpuji lagi Maha Tinggi.

I hope these will help you to be more khusyuk in your solat.
Trust me, it helps a lot :)
*Hidayah doesn't come,
we have to find them.

credit : nur amirah nabilah